The Perceptors
“Two cups of good, hot, black coffee” — and don’t forget the donuts to go with it. Besides being true Twin Peaks fans and coffee lovers, we also make things. Most of those things would be considered ‘interactive media’.
“Ah, so you do websites?” Yes, we do websites. And apps, and installations and games and books and toys and corporate identities. Sometimes, people feel that doing so many things, one can’t be really good at anything. We disagree. As a design agency, we focus on the experience of the user. That’s all we care about. Marshall McLuhan taught us “the medium is the message,” so choosing the right medium and, subsequently, getting the experience of this medium right is crucial.
Creating a good experience doesn’t just depend on visual design. That’s why we tackle problems from concept to final implementation. And that’s why we code: because every detail matters, and great looking but badly developed design doesn’t feel good. At Perceptor, we specialize in strategy, design, prototyping and coffee making. If one of these qualities appeal to you, why not come by and try a cup?
Perceptor closed its doors in 2015 and is no longer open for business.
Bastiaan Terhorst
Casper Schipper